On Monday night, there was a gathering to present checks to the five recipients from the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival, and to also recognize and thank all of the partners and supporters of the event.  The two events thus far have given out almost a half million dollars.  Roy and I are the old dogs now, and one of the things we want to do is to affect people and the business,  to leave it better than when we entered it,  and to help the future farmers, the future products that will come out of this, the future cooks and chefs.  When the spotlight is put onto Hawaii, its culture, its farmers, its chefs, and its cuisine,  it will help tourism, and will elevate all of Hawaii.  When over sixty chefs come from all over the world and cook with locally-raised and produced food ingredients,  it spreads the word, and enlightens the locals.  It was a wonderful feeling to be able to have this happen.  It takes a village to do this,  and for all of the people that attended and got recognized, thank you very much.