A cook asked me what my New Year's resolution was. At first, I was caught off guard, then instinctively I reacted with, "I know I will and want to keep learning more this coming year"------and then I asked him in return the same question------------his response, "I think I want to decide what I want to do for the next five years, ten years seems so far away"--------I have known this young man for some years now and we have had numerous philosophical conversations on life, his career, and his true potential---so therefore, it was easy to have this conversation with him since he opened the door.   I told him, "herein lies part of your situation. On one hand, one can embrace the journey and the process and not worry about the destination or the end----on the other hand, one can focus on the end or destination and not be in a process nor a journey.-----------I correlate that with the element water, I said to him, "water on the floor that runs will find any hole, crack, or crevice, it just goes, and it will find something in the end---------however,  you are like water, trying to decide which hole crack or crevice you think you are ready to fill"   ----you are not on the journey yet, you are not working on the process (which is you, your craft, your career)------do not worry about what you're going to do in five years, of course have a plan---its important--------but be more worried about not engaging in and focusing on becoming better at what you do when you have the right opportunity in front of you.  Only time will tell---he is 27, is engaged to marry, and full of potential yet to be realized.